Thumper – Songs from the Grave

(c)1998 Jump Up Records

The first impression that I got from this CD was the same as the final impression that it left me with–mediocre. Though this CD was recorded 8 and 7 years earlier than released, it is very possible that they have improved dramatically in their respective projects if at all. There is no place in the insert where you can find out just who is playing what and when (quite possibly for a reason.) This is a combination of two previously released discs, Rabbit Wreaking Havoc (1991) and Another Day (1993.) Thumper just may be Steve Vai does Ska. Definitely a metal overtone to a majority of these songs. The vocalist seems to be struggling a good amount of the time, and the guitars seem to me to be very, very metal (Call me crazy but I like ugly distortion or straight clean guitars.) Their horn section sounds like it just may have been recruited from the local high school’s second chair (although there are a few good arrangements.) As an added bonus, some drunk guy managed to stumble on this CD and scratched the hell out of it making it impossible to review songs 11 through 18. Thanks, but I think I’ll pass on this one.

–Phil Lousy


2 thoughts on “Thumper – Songs from the Grave”

  1. To the reviewer:
    Do you realize how different this was from the prevailing scene of the day? In 1991 ska hadn’t reached it’s ‘third wave’ peak, nor had it by 1993. Music this heavy coupled with ska rythyms, had been only tried by a few bands: Fishbone comes to mind, and on a few tracks, 24-7 Spyz…. but neither of those bands were this ‘ska’ or this ‘metal’. Regardless, if these albums came out today, they would still be fairly revolutionary. The singer was the lead guitar player; live, this band was insane.

    Your second sentence of the review makes no sense either; do yourself a favor and quit philling the internet with your lousy reviews.

  2. In defense of the review, opinions vary. In my defense, I didn’t write the review and actually kind of enjoyed the disc. In your defense. Thanks for the comments. People rarely take the time to provide constructive criticism. It’s generally just rants, which are fine and spam which blows.

    -Jerry Actually.

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