BYO – Let Them Know

(c) 2009 BYO Records


byo_let_them_knowThe good folks at BYO Records were kind enough to send me their new retrospective CD and DVD release, “Let Them Know – The Story of Youth Brigade and BYO Records”. In several words, totally flippin’ rad. Back eons ago in the hard-scrabble Los Angeles Punk rock scene there was a handful of bands, no organization and nothing even close to the internet to get the word out about the minds music and attitude of the American youth. They desperately needed something.

To fill that void, the Brothers Stern formed the Better Youth Organization as a way to form something positive out of the haphazard scene at the time. It was half built on ideals as a means to makes something positive out of the boredom of youth and half built with bored youth that needed something more positive. Through dedication and the true spirit of DIY, BYO and Youth Brigade carried the torch to bring the punk scene out of its fledgling state of loose knit neighborhood punk gangs and into a force to be reckoned with.
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Greetings From The Welfare State

(c)1999 BYO Records

I love listening to comps. I hate reviewing comps. There are just too many aspects going on at once. Do I pass judgement on the music as a whole or the individual artists or the generation as a whole? It’s hard to say. This comp Brought to you by BYO and Artcor Fanzine is “Greetings From The Welfare State” and no their not talking about Arkansas. This is the Best of British Punk going on now. Sure they may have a tiny little island, but they get the evil dreary weather that fuels their angst and misery. I should know I’m in Portland, OR (misery central) Whatever, If you’re looking to cross some international waters to pick up on some stuff the kids down the street arn’t into yet, go grab this comp and find some culture in the punks from the UK. Highlights for me include Goober Patrol, Newton Grunts and Four Letter Word. Later I’m Out…

–Jerry Actually


Take Action [Vol 6]

Various Artists – Take Action Vol. 6 (c) 2007 Hopeless Records Are you down for the cause?  I sure am.  I'm not a major fan of most of the artists on this two CD one DVD set, but hey, maybe you are, or maybe someone you know has these bands plastered all over the inside of their locker.  If so, buy a copy of Take Action Vol. 6.  With a suggested retail price of $7.98 buy a couple.  The proceeds of this compilation go to benefit (I don't know what percent) The Youth America Hotline a teen suicide prevention line.  The comp features tracks from popular outfits such as My Chemical Romance, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Taking Back Sunday, Murder by Death and many many more.  Not only do you get a double disc set, you get a DVD too.  Just because your's truly doesn't dig on this, doesn't mean you can't help out and get down with a good cause.  As a bonus for me, I determined that I do, in fact, like Murder by Death, so there. –Jerry Actually 

The Dirtier Inch: Volume 2

V/A – The Dirtier Inch: Volume 2©2005 Beer Metal Records Punk Rock from Seattle? You freakin' bet your ass! What we have here is "The Dirtier Inch: Volume 2" 28 Old School, skull bustin, mohawk sportin' punk rock songs from the land of grunge. I am not going to expound on any of the 28 tracks in specific, but sufficed to say, this comp rocks. I don't know anything about Volue 1, but if that is available, go damn get 'em both.

Skannibal Party 5

Various Artists – Skannibal Party 5 © 2005 Mad Butcher RecordsSkannibal Party 5 is an awsome collection of ska from around the globe. Featuring 22 tracks from exotic locales from Russia (Skapel) to Venezuela (Desorden Publico) to Utah (Two and A Half White Guys). Compilations like this help to open eyes to the similarities of people around the world instead of fearing and attacking them because of thier differences. It gives me great comfort to know that kids in Argentina are skanking to Dulces Diablitos and Papas Ni Pidamos Meanwhile halfway around the world other kids are dancin' it up in Serbia with Los Propelleros. Thank the world for ska. Go get this comp and celebrate diversity in knowing that the world over, there are people just like you. Actually