Vultures – I’m Bad



Here I am in a position, once again, where I get to both critique and possibly introduce music from around the world to an entire new audience. At the moment, I’m listening to “I’m Bad”, a three track demo of macabre punk-a-billy from Ruma, Serbia. How freakin’ cool is that? Pretty freakin’ cool if you ask me.

The three tracks have the death and ghoulishness of Psychobilly down pat with a little metallic tinge on the guitar work. The tracks are in English and the vocals are articulate. Musically, I’d be hard pressed to distinguish Vultures as being from any particular region or not. I suppose that is neither here nor there, but it certainly is a testament to the impact that rock and roll music has had around the globe.

At any rate, Psychobilly is (dead) alive and well the world over and Serbia’s Vultures are proof to that. Let’s hope that there is a full-length release in the works.

–Jerry Actually

One thought on “Vultures – I’m Bad”

  1. Thanks for review!!!

    Also, everybody can download our “I’m Bad” EP for fre from here:

    Also, we have released split EP with Nudist Island from Indonesia, and it’s also free for download from here:

    Another split is on the way, we are waiting for our first 3way split to come out! Beside us, there is going to be two more bands, Nine Ideas (Japan) and Totem Zero Level (Indonesia). More info soon!

    Damir, Vultures

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