Top 10 of 2012


Wow, would you look at the time? Just do it, ok? By it I mean take a look at a calendar. It is almost 2013. Seriously, what happened to 2012? I’m old. I comment on the passage of time. Get over it. Truly though I wish I had been a little more productive here at !upstarter in 2012. I’m sure that a great number of awesome tunes slipped through my tenuous grasp.

Sometime between a day job and a band project of my own I managed to squeeze in time for 25 reviews this year. That’s one per fortnight, I guess I shouldn’t sell myself short on production. I’m sure that last year wasn’t much different. But down to the guts and glory, if you made the list, a big round of applause. If you sent something in for review and I missed out on something awesome, there is no penalty for re-submission. Without further adieu, I present the best of 2012:

1. Morning Glory – Poets Were My Heroes

2. The Downtown Struts – Victoria!

3. Classics of Love

4. The Atom Age – The Hottest Thing That’s Cool

5. Masked Intruder

6. Harrington Saints – Pride & Tradition

7. The Real McKenzies – Westwinds

8. The Ducky Boys – Chasing The Ghost

9. Problems – Make It Through The Night

10. Eli Whitney & The Sound Machine – Mickey

Year End Top 10


It’s that time of year again when everyone is posting their “best of” year end lists.  For me, it would be ridiculous to think that my list is going to be a whole lot different in content then somebody elses, there may be some differences, but mostly I just want to feel important by posting my list for everyone else to read:

1)  Polar Bear ClubClash Battle Guilt Pride-This was was not my favourite album of the year, although it would definitely be near the top, I think it is the best written album of the year and really shows the group coming into their own.

2) The Horrible CrowesElsie-This album contains some of my favourite Brian Fallon songs, as well as some of my least favourite, but what I respect most about this album is that Fallon and bandmate Ian Perkins were able to step out of the shadow cast by The Gaslight Anthem and create something uniquely their own.

3) The Rebel Spell-It’s A Beautiful Future-My personal favourite album of the year, it has all the ferocity of their prior releases plus a sense of urgency that is a direct reflection of the time it was written.

4)  Red City Radio-The Dangers of Standing Still-The bands Paper and Plastick debut built off of their earlier EP and showed that they are continuing to get better.

5) Mall’d to DeathThe Process of Reaching Out-This was another of my favourite releases and also contains my favourite song of the year “Migraine Belt.”

6) Banner PilotHeart Beats Pacific-This album is currently on repeat in my truck and I blame it for my speeding.

7) The Slow DeathBorn Ugly Got Worse-This is the album I turn to if I just want to enjoy listening to music.

8) Junior BattlesIdle Ages-It took me a long time to catch onto this album, but when I did it was as close to a revelation as I came this year.

9) Have NotsProud-This album was the one I anticipated the most, and it did not disappoint me.

10) Against Me!-Total Clarity-I know this album was made up of mainly demos that weren’t all that different then the songs that went on the album, but the unreleased tracks brought me back to when I first heard them and was quite inspired.

!upstarter Top 10 Reviews of 2010

When it gets to be this time of year, I, along with just about everyone else, reflect back on what has transpired during the year. Based on those particular musings, I’m pleased to report that !upstarter posted 42 reviews of both musical and literary works in 2010. (I may be able to squeeze in a few more if time allows)

Out of those 42 reviews, I’ve chosen the top ten of what I think were the stand-out releases/reviews of the years. Bear in mind that this is my opinion, so if you disagree, well, them’s the breaks.

With that, I humbly give you the !upstarter Top 10 reviews of 2010:

10: The Decay – This Months Rent

9: The Menzingers – Chamberlain Waits

8: The Kings of Nuthin’ – Old Habits Die Hard

7: Mad Sin – Burn and Rise

6: Hounds & Harlots – Demo

5: The Hollowpoints – Old Haunts on the Horizon

4: Street Dogs

3: The Singularity – A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Drunkenness

2: Ubermanoeuvre – Burn This

1: Mall’d To Death – Can’t Make A Living

Jerry Actually