Dillinger Four – CIVILWAR

(c) 2008 Fat Wreck Chords
[rating: 3.5/5]

So I’ve been listening to the new Dillinger Four disc quite a bit lately. Up until recently I can’t say that I was really all that familiar with them. I had heard their name and probably have them on some comps, but hadn’t really listened to them. Based on that I have no real idea of what they’re all about. But just ’cause I’m not familiar with them doesn’t in any way mean that they aren’t from Minneapolis. It should also in no way detracts from the fact they are a pretty kick ass band. My lack of knowledge aside, this new release has apparently been a long time coming. Something on the order of six years since their last full length. All I can say is, “About Time! I suppose.” Seriously though, CIVIL WAR is a solid release featuring 13 tracks that while rockin’ also seem to be trying to re-capture times past. But with the “halcyon days” long gone by, there is still ample opportunity for scathing commentary on modern times. Any ways, if you’re like me, you’ll like this disc. It reminds me a bit of Larry Arms, though a bit more up beat. It’s Sunday. It’s early. Just go listen to it already.

–Jerry Actually