The Bronx – The Bronx (II) (c)2006 Island Records / White Drugs Records I'll be damned. A major label band that ain't too bad. The Bronx, though not in fact from The Bronx, transmit a gritty and streetable urban appeal. The tracks for the most part are up tempo and clock in under 3 minutes with the exception of the rather haunting "Dirty Leaves" The Bronx appear to be part of the major resurgence of rock and roll in L.A. and in the country in general for that matter. With Zeppelin like vocal wailings and rocking out rhythms like a more articulate Mudhoney, they definitely have the rock thing going on. I'll be honest. It is the first thing in the morning and I've barely sucked down half my coffee, but the report thus far is that I like The Bronx. They have a sound that sounds like something that I remember that I like, but don't remember precisely what that is.