Gold Daggers



gold_daggersHere’s an interesting one. Gold Daggers are a two piece self-described “alternative/punk/shred” band from Los Angeles, CA. The new self-titled release is largely as described: “drums, bass, and yelling, which is rad.”

I’ve got to tell ya, I was both concerned and intrigued by the description. I’m glad I took the chance to give it a listen. The combination of sludging distorted bass and frenzied drums really works. I’m also happy to report that despite the description, there yelling isn’t omnipresent. The band mentions Fugazi, Deftones, Mastodon, Black Flag and Retox as references, but at the moment, I’m really thinking a more punkish Sonic Youth (with considerably less Kim Gordon), Helmet, and definitely some Motorhead bass influence.

Sometimes working with a minimal palette yields incredible results. By forcing the medium, the overly derivative and trite can sometimes be overcome. Not to gloss over things, but I’m writing this as I listen, and trying to play catch up (as always), so I’ll keep it to this: Great stuff with a refreshingly different sonic profile. Bass heavy with some amount of yelling, albeit less yelling than anticipated.

Check out the new self-title release from Gold Daggers here:

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