Can Toker – Six Sick Sixty Second Songs


© 2010 Can Toker

Assuming that they made it through the recent tidal waves, Can Toker is a low-fi punk rock quintent from outta Santa Cruz, CA. The band consists of: Jack Mehauf (raging vocals), Chappy Left Standing (blazing guitar), Bon Gripper (thunderous bass) and JT Murdoc (earth shaking drums).

Six Sick Sixty Second Songs is the new demo out by the band and in all fairness, the songs, all six of them are sick, however not a single one of them is, in fact, sixty seconds long. This, to me, seems like a glaring oversight. I’m willing to let this slide because I like the raw garage punk thats barreling into my eardrums right now.

In truth, you get six tracks that clock (mostly) in around the minute mark. Snarly vocals, snarly guitar, snarly bass, drums (not snarly) The tracks are mostly about day-to-day goings on. Life in a tiny town. Smoking out a improvised can pipe. You know, living the American dream.

You can find more about ’em on the wide wide world of webs:

-Jerry Actually

For fans of: The Meatmen, Awesome and the Asskickers, smoking things from cans.

1. Just My Job
2. Wheelbite
3. Decay
4. Implant
5. Fishbowl Town
6. Can Toker