Popclaw – Atomic Summer

Text logo: Popclaw

I’m listening to the new EP, “Atomic Summer” from Southeast England’s Popclaw. It’s got four tracks of peppy punk rock, created by a duo who’ve never stepped foot in the same room. (Ain’t technology amazing!?)

Track 1: Let’s Start A Riot reminds me a bit of Rancid, in a good way. In particular it makes me think of some of the more Lars-centric tracks.

Track 2: Anthem of Chaos has a sweet vocal hook that keeps running through my head, and after a few listens really has a similar vibe to Blood Rushes by Aussie punk band, Civic. If not a total coincidence, a solid influence. 

Track 3: The titular track, Atomic Summer has a delivery that reminds me of something that I can’t quite pin down, but I like it. 

Track 4: Chasing Shadows is the longest on the EP and is a bit of a dissonant number. It’s got some garage / lo-fi vibes to it, without being overly scrappy. 

Atomic Summer: A fun EP from the geographically diverse Popclaw. I like the nature and direction, and look forward to hearing more in the future. 

The EP will be  available on all major streaming platforms 3rd January, 2025.

Jerry Actually

A man playing an electric guitar and a man playing an electric bass.